
v2.x Users If you are using e107 v2.x all these plugins may be searched and downloaded directly via the admin area.
Go to: Admin > Manage > Plugin Manager > Find Plugins

v2.3.3.x Only

Mailfloss v1.1

Use Mailfloss to validate email addresses within e107

v2.0.x Only

Cloudfront v1.0

Use Amazon Cloudfront CDN with e107

v2.0.x Only

Metatag v1.7

This plugin allows you to automatically provide structured metadata, aka meta tags, about a website.

v2.0.x Only

Wrapper v1.4.0

Wrapping an external page into your website.

v2.3.1.x Only

TwoFactorAuth v1.0.1

Plugin that adds 2FA functionality to e107

v2.0.x Only

Pace Loader v1.0

Loader for your site

v2.0.x Only

Stop Forum Spam v2.1.0

Check users against the database

v2.0.x Only

Hits v1.1

Simple page hit-counter for e107

v2.0.x Only

Voice eXeSystem v2.2

Theme ShortCode Generator for TeamSpeak3, Ventrilo, Mumble, Discord, and many more.

v2.3.x Only

LGSL v5.10.3

Live Game Server List by Richard Perry, tltneon version 5.10.3

v2.3.0.x Only

Master Header v1.0.0

MastHead Plugin

v2.x Only

Yandex Turbo Pages v2.2.3

Turbo Pages support in RSS channel

v2.x Only

Insert header and footer v1.0

Insert text to header or footer

v2.x Only

Navatar v1.1.0

A plugin that generates user avatar that has your initials.

v2.x Only

Survey v2.0

The survey plugin allows you to have a second poll in a menu. It's just a rewrite of the poll plugin.

v2.x Only

Birthday Menu v2.1.1

A simple configurable birthday menu. Uses e107 extended field for birthday.

v2.x Only

Smartsupp Live Chat v1.1.0

Smartsupp Live Chat integration plugin

v2.x Only

NoCaptcha ReCaptcha v1.2.1

Google ReCaptcha for e107.

v2.x Only

Awards eXeSystem v1.1

Create, and give user awards

v2.x Only

Nofollow v1.4.4

An SEO oriented plugin aimed to discourage back-link building SPAM in e107 powered websites.

v2.x Only

Mentions v1.6.2

An @mention plugin

v2.x Only

Falling Holidays v1.5

This has Smashable Christmas Lights and 3D Snow falling.

v2.x Only

Goto Top v2.0.3

Add a Goto Top button to every scrollable page.

v2.x Only

Smartlook v1.0

Smartlook tracking system

v2.x Only

Livetime v0.0.2

A livestamp.js integration plugin for e107.

v2.x Only

SimpleMDE v1.1

e107 integration for SimpleMDE Markdown Editor

v2.x Only

Node.js v1.4

Node.js integration

v2.x Only

AnteUp v1.1.0

An extensive Donation Tracker with PayPal integration

v2.x Only

Visual Captcha v1.0

Visual Captcha for e107.

v2.x Only

Wolf jPlayer for e107 v1.0.3

e107 version of a WordPress Wolf plugin based on the jPlayer jQuery.

v2.x Only

Youtube v1.0

Embed YouTube channels and playlists into e107.

v2.x Only

Multiple Languages v1.0.1

Multi-Language tools for e107

v2.x Only

ThemeSwitch v1.0

Switch your site's theme based on userclass.

v2.x Only

Node.js Notifications v1.1

Node.js Notifications

v2.x Only

Cookie Consent v1.0

The most popular solution to the EU Cookie Law.

v2.x Only

Userlanguage Flags Menu v2.1

This menu selection allows users to choose the language translation.

v2.x Only

Google Analytics v1.1

Google Analytics

v2.x Only

Ante Up v1.0

An extensive Donation Tracker with PayPal integration

v2.x Only

EU cookies v1.0

EU Cookie informs users that your site uses cookies

v2.x Only

Current Weather v1.1

Displays city weather

Alert BBCodes v1.1

Alert BBCodes

FBcode v1.0

Facebook Comments menu .

Userlanguage Menu v1.5

Allow the user to select their language.

4xA-UED v0.2

A plugin to get a better overview of the user table and this table to manage effectively.

jbClan v3.0

jbClan is a collection of personnel management modules.

Cookies v0.2

Cookies, simple e107 plugin based on jQuery.

Vanilla Plugin v1.2


Dates v1.5

Add-Show-Edit-Delete Dates

Social v0.6

A new small plugin based on shortcode {SOCIAL}.

Spinning Planet's SEO module v1.6

Want to be able to change all your system generated urls to friendly readable ones? .

AACGC Event Countdowns v1.4

Event Countdown allows you to create events that show on a menu and page with live countdown timer for the closest starting event.

aa_jQuery v1.4

Includes jQuery at the highest position in the HEAD ...

Browser-Update v0.2

e107 Browser-Update

e107 Bookmarking v0.1

e107 Social Bookmarking

AddThis Stack v0.1

Addthis Stack style menu

FancyBox v1.1

e107 FancyBox

Simple Image Upload v1.4

This is a very simple alternative to attachment mod.

Latest Changes v1.0

Mit “Latest Changes” für e107 behalten Sie immer den Überblick über die wichtigsten Änderungen und Neuigkeiten Ihrer Seite.

Image Gallery v0.9

This Plugin allow you to create an image gallery for your site.

ebattles v0.9


UserClass Show v1.0

UserClass_Show allows you to assign images to each user group created in e107 and show them under the avatar of each user belonging to that class (group).

slideLock alternative CAPTCHA v1.0

slideLock alternative CAPTCHA

Duty Rota v1.0

Duty rota plugin which links to the e107 event calendar, allowing assignment of particular people to jobs at specific events.

AACGC Class Roster v1.0

Userclass roster that allows admins to create ranks for userclasses.

AACGC Twitch Stream v1.1


Nivo Slider v1.1

Nivo slider menu on your page!

Visitors Book v1.1

A new and functionable guestbook for e107, working with jQuery and gives the administrator full power of the entrys.

AACGC Attendance List v3.1

List Events For Local Areas or For Internet Events.

AACGC Xfire Stats v1.7

Xfire Stats Plugin that shows all members Xfires on a page and scrolling menu.

AACGC Floating Bar v1.6

Floating Bar that shows on your website, can adjust location from top/left corner.

AACGC Expanding Bar v1.4

AACGC Expanding Bar shows a floating bar at the bottom of your website that expands when a user clicks it.

AACGC PS3 Stats v1.6

AACGC PS3 Stats plugin uses the API code from PS3 Heros website and allows users to enter their login name and have their PS3 stats and info displayed.

AACGC Clan Listing v2.5

List clans and their info on your website in categories! .

What v0.2

Site activity package.

ShowOnPages v0.1

ShowOnPages allows you to display code on every page of your e107 installation.

Universal Seo Pack v2.2

Add SEO optimization , Robot Meta Tag , SEF urls to your site

News Views Counter v3.0

This Plugin will show the news view counter .

Team Speak 3 viewer v1.0

Allow to scan and display a TS3 server .

Multi-Clock v1.0

Allow to display multiple numeric clocks in a Menu .

Google Translate AJAX API v1.0

Add Language Translation To Your Website Using Google Translate AJAX API .

Testimonials v2.3

The selected user class can write testimonials about the webpage / company / organisation / etc...

Advanced XML Sitemap Generator v1.1

this plugin will generate sitemap with news , new categories , downlods , forums , forums post in a

Random Image Menu v1.0

Display a random image (of the .gif, .jpg, or .png formats) in a menu item.

Email Site Inbox v2.0

this Plugin will save all the sent email from the contact.php page , you an read , answer , or delet

Corllete Lab Gallery v2.1

Simple and powerfull Lightbox compatible Image Gallery + thumb BBcode + User's albums

Metaweblog for XMLRPC clients v1.4

A rewrite of the old eXMLRPC plugin now with a lot of improvements!Metaweblog Plugin v 1.

Top Downloads Menu v1.0

Prototype JS Framework Widget Library

Corllete Lab Widgets v1.1

Prototype JS Framework Widget Library

Quotes v1.1

Collect and show quotes

Alternate ranks v0.1

This plugin helps the administrators to give/take additional badges/ranks to members.

Sound Menu v3.0

This menu can play a different song for each page, depending on where the viewer is (url address).

Ncode resizer image v1.0

Automatically resize images in the whole website (news/content/forums ..... )

Hupsi Share v1.0

Hupsi share Plugin to share Files with member ,there have the same user class.

Gigya Login Menu v1.0

With this plugin, you can login (or register) to your site with your accounts you use at other providers (e.g.

Sport-Liga e107 v0.8

Existing menus:.

4xA-EMS v0.7

This plugin will allow the member database to search with certain filters.

4xA-Forms v0.1

A Plugin with which one flexibly own forms provide can.

Logouter v1.2

Automatic logouter plugin for e107 CMS.

Export Emails v1.0

Originally, I started to create this little plugin because of an order, but the order was revoked.

Notice Board v4.0

Features of this version of the plugin Notice-Board:.

Clan Package v2.1

Roster, Ranks, Medals, This is the ultimate Military Clan Package

MyTeam v0.1

This is my successor of TeamsElipse.

photos v3.0

It shows imported photos.

AACGC Meeting Planner Addon v1.2

This Is an Addon to the AACGC Meeting Planner.

Clan Members Basic v1.0

An easy way to manage your clan members

another_profiles v0.9

Another profiles - the extended e107 user profiles.

Related News v1.1

Related News plugin for e107.

Teamspeak 3 Menu v1.5

Teamspeak 3 Viewer for e107 Based on TeamSpeak 3 PHP Framework by ScP .

Roofdog Donation Tracker v2.7

This plugin enables you to collect donations for your website or project and display a status bar and list of donators.

MapeMe v1.4

This plugin was created by rickey911 and credit is all his.

Ajax Forum Thank v1.1

Allow Forum Users to Give Thanks! .

WebAnalytics v0.5

WebAnalytics lets you add Google Analytics or any other js-based service to your site

NoFollow v0.3

No, I won't let you steal my PR juice! (`_`)

Automatic Feedburner Redirect v1.0

Redirects the feeds to

Signup Secure v1.2

Defend you page from bots

AACGC Meeting Planner v1.2

Meeting Planner plugin that allows you to create meetings in different categories for members to view and join.

Q Tree Menu v4.1

Please note: The original author of this plugin is Rijk/Ridge (e107coders).

AACGC Member Status v1.4

Allows members to enter a custom status in a menu with a time stamp showing how long ago status was posted.Once members has entered a status, the input box is then replaced with their status and a delete button so they can delete their status and enter a

League_table v1.5

I have uploaded becasue of poeple complaing the cant access father barrys website.

Riches v1.0

Give your user the possibility to declare their riches

te107-AddThis v1.0

This is 1.0 version of te-AddThis Social Bookmaking System made by teEdu Development team.

AACGC Public News v1.6

AACGC Public News plugin displays news in different categories on pages and menus for users or userclass to submit news with title, description, and image.

page_creator v1.1

my plugin tools.

Quote Retriever v0.7

Quote Retriever is an alternative to e107's built in quote software.

Worldclock menu v1.2

Worldclock menu

Alt_tree_menu v1.4

Vertical menu on the basis of the standard "tree_menu" with dropping out submenus, links of the first two levels are shown only, highlighting the opened page (it cannot be opened), with the possibility to

e107 Mobile v2.2

Mobile phone optimized e107 website plugin.

Text Size Menu v1.2

Menu that allows users of your site to increase, decrease and reset text size.

groupstyle v1.1

Display usernames in a specific style, depending on their assigned userclasses

Memberlist v1.1

Advanced memberlist

iphost_menu v1.0

Shows IP and HOST adress of customer watching page..

AACGC Server List v3.1

Complete rewrite with V2.9! You must uninstall and delete any previous version before uploading this one! . v1.0

This plugin allows you to Show a slideshow of all your Panoramio photos in e107 menu on your site..

Add & Promote Your Ssite On Social v1.3


AACGC Favorite Downloads v1.0

AACGC Favorite Downloads Plugin allows users to add downloads to their own favorites list.

AACGC Network Link Bar v2.5

Add links to a menu or placed anywhere in your theme.

AACGC Krooze Arcade Addons v3.0

Addons for tyhe Krooze Arcade Plugin V8


Top Wins List
Top Challengers List
Top T

Add & Promote Your Site On Social v1.1

This module adds to your site about 50 social book marks (see screenshot).

Internet Explorer 6 Updater v1.0

I spend a lot of time tweaking themes and plugins to work with IE6, most of the time I give up and settle with odd broken table or strange layout.

Ajax Forum Thanks v1.0

Allow Forum Users to Give Thanks!.

Smscoin e107 v1.0

This plugin provides your website users paid access to any content on your website.

Shipment Tracker v1.0

Get Tracking Info on your Package !! Search your tracking number through FedEx, UPS, DHL, & USPS.

Facebook Like v0.7

Share your content with friends on Facebook!

e107 Auto Tweet Plugin v0.9

e-Tweet will automatically tweet your news posts, downloads posts, content posts etc to Twitter.

Ajax Chat v1.2

Ajax Chat is a menu that you can place anywhere on your site and it will display a chat window, giving your users the capability of chatting live on the website to each other...

Asian Babe Of The Day v1.5

--- --- .

p_writer v1.1

Bugfix release v1.0

Symantec virus alert menu. v1.0

Uploader suspicious file menu to virus total.

tlibrary v1.0

tlibrary is an update to my other library plugin.

e-Tweet - e107 Auto Tweet Plugin v0.9

e-Tweet - Publicize your e107 posts on twitter auto-magically!

Norwegian language e_classifieds v2.2

Norwegian Language file for e_classifieds 2.2.

AACGC Advanced Roster v1.8

Added Oct 8th, 2009: .

Copperbodge Menu v2.0

This new release of Copperbodge Menu use DIV instead of TABLE, and also was modified the rendering o

Adding the [justify] button v1.0

Adding the [justify] button (text width stretch) to the site text editor (comments, custom pages, etc.)..

See Also v1.0

This plugin will generate list of news similar to current news item by title.

Facebook Connect Integration v0.5

Integrate Facebook With Your Site!

PicasaWeb v1.0

Embed your Picasaweb Photo Gallery in your e107 site.

news2cal v1.2

Automatically kicks off calendar event entry form after posting a news item.

Cups v1.2

Cups v1.2 By Crytiqal.Aero

News Mailer v0.0

Allows you to send an email to a selected userclass with an entire months or a select days news items.

Tell A Friend v0.1

Allows you to place a menu item on your page that visitors (read: members) can use to tell their friends about your website.

Teams Elipse v0.1


AACGC Popup Box v1.1

Shows a pop-up box on your website, user can move and close box.

AACGC Content Slider v1.1

AACGC Content Slider.

AACGC Member of the Month v2.8

Member Of The Month with menu and previous months page.Works with gold orbs.

AACGC Xbox Stats v1.4

Allows users to enter their Xbox Gamecard Username and shows their game card in forum pos, menu, and page.

World Weatherfeed v1.0

New Update: 3/4/2010: I was having issues with the feeds updating, so I finally got a chance to look at it and made a couple of simple mods to remedy that situation.

AACGC Item List v1.4

Item List Plugin allows you to list items with name, details, image, external link, & price in d

e107bb [phpBB integration for e107] v3.1

Integrate your phpBB3 Board in e107!

Advance Online Menu v1.1

Advance and Simple, how is it possible?

Reputation v1.1

The e107 reputation plugin!

Page Creator (For Noobs) v1.1

Unadvanced, simple and custom file name!

Advanced Medal System v1.4

Award System - Medal System

Advanced Ranking and Medal System v1.5

Advanced Semi-automatic Rank and Medal System

Clan Package 2 v1.1

Clan roster (without the medals, and ranks).

Naked Babe of the Day v1.1

--- ---.

Babe of the Day v1.1

--- ---.

MyGoogleAdSense v0.1

Another Google AdSense Menu Block.

lightIRC v0.6

lightIRC is a free Flash IRC client that includes all well known IRC features.

Newspost scroller menu v1.0

This is a simple menu that shows the latest posts to the forum moving..

nVidia Drivers Check - Vertical v1.0

--- --- .

AACGC Dropdown Info Center v1.0

Dropdown Info Center allows you to have up to 10 different buttons each with it's own dropdown

Advance Box v1.0

One box, 100 options! jQuery, JS, CSS, HTML, PHP!

Advanced Report System v1.0

I think the method how to make a report for the user and the method how to moderate the reports for the staff isn't as good as it could be in e107.

PM Alert Menu v1.2

A simple plugin that makes it obvious when you have unread private messages waiting.

AACGC Countdown Menu v1.0

Countdown timer menu with option to set year, month, day, hour, min, and second to timer end.

Bot v1.2

Your personal "ever taking order" helper


AACGC Falling Objects v1.2

Adds Falling Objects to your website, perfect for holidays including christmas and halloween.

Live Ticker / Short News System v1.2

Present your users short, fast and current information

Live Game Server List v5.7

LGSL shows live game server info on your website.

AACGC 3D Globe v1.6

3D Globe Menu that shows location of recent visitors on a Globe with options to set location dot col

AACGC Welcome Menu v2.2

Welcome Menu for website members to see all their info and stats.

AACGC Player GameTracker v1.1

Game Tracker Plugin that allows users to enter their GameTracker username in their profiles and it s

AACGC GSC List v1.1

GSC List Plugin that shows all members GSC online status on a page with option to show username and

Best Twitter menu v1.5

TwitterFreak is a simple but highly compatible menu that will show your tweets on your website.

Left 4 Dead Server Messages v1.0

Left 4 Dead Server Messages

AACGC Bracket Tracker v1.3

Bracket Tracker plugin that shows Teams and users in bracket formation.

AACGC Update Checker v1.0

Check for updates to plugins all at once and have direct download links.

AACGC AA Tracker v1.0

Americas Army Game Clan and Member Tracker

Admin enters clan tracker ID# from battletracker.

AACGC Download Tracker v1.0

Download Tracker Plugin

shows all downloads on your site in a list in abc order with number of ti

Radio Plan v2.1

this is a radio Plan for Web radio DJ's ,it can show titel in the playlist and avatare from the dj .

Slider v2.0


tap v2.0



Custom Site Button Menu v1.0

Site button with text link

User Update v1.1

Easy User Management

Quick Register v1.2

Quick User Verification

AACGC Comments List v1.0

Comment List Plugin

Shows all comments on your website on a page in order from newest to oldest.

AACGC Facebook List v1.2

Facebook plugin that shows all members, who have entered their facebook and badge number in their pr

Floating Register bar v1.1

Floating Register Bar.

Free e107 Chat Plugin for 123 Flash Chat Software v0.7

Click to edit

AACGC Roster v4.4

Clan Roster with Username,Game, Rank, Date Joined, Age, Status, xfire, Location and more of each mem

Icecast Feed Status v1.0

This is a modified Icecast Server Status menu.

OSM-Map/Routing-Plugin v0.2

WARNING! The DemoSite - in Productive Mode - was hacked by some of these cowards.

AACGC Battle System Addon v1.2

AACGC's RPG and PVP Battle System is a Multi-Website Worldwide Joint battle mod for E107 that j

Guestbook v4.0

New version of Guestbook v4.02.

GuildOx v1.2

Retrieves Guild statistics from web site and shows extracted data in menu item.

WowHead v1.3

Plugin allows to use Powered by WowHead feature on links to World of Warcraft database from e107 web site.

last_downloads v0.0

This plugin is an enhancement for the user.php.

Tiny Login Menu v1.0

This is a replacement for the login menu in e107.

Ticker v2.0

Eine ticker wo auch user schreiben können mit adminbereich für die Moderation .

Hupsis Media Gallery v1.0

Eine Media Seite ohne code erstellung einfach txt dateien oder flv dateien hochladen fertig alles andere macht das plugin selbständig.

Guild events v1.0

Plugin retrieves guild event data from RSS feed and preformats it to nicely display into your guild web site..

scrolling newsfeeds v0.0


Preview CSS Styles v1.0

There is nothing specials about this plugin.

D.E.M.S. v0.1

Dynamic Extended Member Search

Reviewer v1.6

product reviews

AACGC Donation Listing v1.2

Displays Names & Ammount in Year and Month Categories.

AACGC Gold Addons v1.0

Top Gold Members Menu
Top Assets Members Menu
Richest Member Menu
Top Asset Member Men

Unanswered Forum Posts Menu v1.4

Unanswered forum posts menu

Gold Present v1.3

Gold Presents for Gold System.

Gold Assets v1.2

Instead of buying presents for someone, you can buy presents (assets) for yourself.

Gold Shop v1.2

Shop front for gold plugins like gold orbs, gold assets, gold present, and other gold system plugins

Gold Orbs v1.2

Allow users to buy orbs to replace their display name appearance.

Spam Cleaner v1.0

This is a simple plugin which deletes all comments and forum threads from a particular user.

Trophy Room v1.0

Trophy Room with 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place trophy images.

AACGC Game Guide v1.2

Add Games with Details including you-tube video codes to a game guide page with popup details.

AACGC Upscrolling Menu v1.3

Put News or Info on an upward scrolling menu, edit title, font sizes, font colors, menu height, scol

Addons v1.9


Top Forum Posters Menu
Top Website Visitors Menu
IMs Status for Profiles & Forums

Auto Post on Signup v1.0

Creates a new forum thread when users signs up.

Wiki v0.2

This is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia .

Mibbit IRC Chat Integration v1.0

Mibbit IRC chat integration for your e107 site.

Membersgroup Menu v2.5

It is a complete system to manage lists of users groups on your site!

The following options are

Ladder v2.5

First off, I take absolutely no credit and offer no support for this plugin.

Game Guide v1.2

List games with Icons with 2 links per game and each game has pop-up details.

Twitterfeed Menu v1.1

A very basic TwitterFeed menu plugin.

Latest News Menu v1.3

news, quicker

vNES with Konami Code Activation v1.1

*** PHP 5 IS REQUIRED ***.

Hide Links For Guests v1.1

Author : Ajdar ( @) Website : , Persian E107 Support .

User Journals v1.1

Blog your life away

eCaptcha Spambot Protection v3.5

Want to allow anonymous posting without the spam ? .

Onlineinfo v8.5

Note:- I have only included the English files as the other ones are too out of date, just copy the english one rename it to your language and change.

Random User Generator v2.0

This plugin is is aimed at developers who are testing in a stock enviroment and need a quick simple way to add an amount of users.

Dilbert Plus v1.2

Shows the latest and a random strip from .

Enemy Down Rank v1.3

This shows your league rank on Enemy Down without needing to embed javascript in your site.

Registration v0.9

configurable plugIn for online tournament registration.

Slider Top v1.0

Slide 4 Latest News By Pic And Read More Link...

Linux Server Load Bar Menu v1.0

Shows the Load of your Linux server (Not Windows) with a bar graph in a menu.

Simple radio listen v1.1

asx file .

Digital Clock Menu v1.0

A simple digital clock menu/panel

Weather Menu v1.0

This is weather menu as name suggest it simply displays weather in the requested area.Data is grabbed from Wunderground site.

Nude of the Day v1.1

An 18+ Babe of the day.

Password strength meter v1.0

Plugin By : Miald @ E107.IR Persian e107 Suppport .

MessengerStatus Advanced v2.2

Hi All, .

Advanced BBcodes v0.4

Advanced BBcodes

Another Online Menu v1.5

Uncluttered Online Menu

Suggestions Menu v2.9

Suggestion Menu

Gallery2 for e107 v6.0

Embed your Gallery2 into your e107!

QuoteEngine TCL Web Display v1.0

The purpose behind this plugin is to be able to display quotes stored on your eggdrop bot that uses James Stewarts' QuoteEngine.tcl eggdrop code.

Nude Babe of the day v1.0

An 18+ Babe of the day.

Suicide Kings List Tracker v1.4

This plugin is designed with World of Warcraft in mind, but can be adapted to any game using the Suicide Kings Looting System.

Prune Inactive Users v2.6

A plugin to help maintain your user list.

Page Stat v1.0

This plugin show number of the news extended visits.

AutoViewer v0.1

This is a simple XML Flash gallery where you can upload and use your pictures.

Simple Content v1.0

Content, it's simple

JavaScript Helpers v0.3

A collection of various JavaScript libraries for use by other plugins.

e107 Helper Project v1.1

The plugin writers plugin

Category News Menu v1.0

I saw many people searching for this option; a menu that only shows a certain category in a menu.

Stats Menu v1.1

Stats Menu .

e107 Tag Cloud Plugin v2.2

Installation: .

Casino v1.0


Gallery_Menu v1.0

This is a menu option that allows you to display a slideshow of images that are located in the plugi

Improved Recent News v1.0

Displays 5 of your recent news articles in a menu, including date stamp.

hide content v1.1

This is a simple plugin to hide content.

FancyZoom v1.1

Spectacular picture visualizing effect.

Affiliates Menu v8.0

This is to use with the Site links plugin.

CommentStop v0.5

Comment Moderation for e107!

ForumThanks v0.5

Allow Forum users to thank each other!

SigStats! v1.0

Put your e107 stats into your forum Signatures on websites.

Quiztopia v3.0

Thought i better do an update to one of my weaker plugins .

Russian Roulette for GoldSystem v1.0

Russian Roulette for Gold-System only for Version 4.1.5 or higher.

Trigger v1.2

Bolting on some goodies

New Users v1.0

This Plugin Show The 20 of last members ! .

Tricked Out Alternate Profiles v1.2

This is my First Edit.

E107Analog-RoundClock v1.0

This is my first plugin.

e107 Bridge For Coppermine 1.4.x v1.0

by : .

Templatechooser v4.1

Template chooser can select theme for users and guests..

Simple Image Upload v1.4

This is a very simple alternative to attachment mod.

e107_netquery v0.0

access monitoring & log management, .

ChatBox II v1.5

ChatBox II - Dynamic updating, sound and colorization.

MyTime v1.0

This is a simple analog flash clock.

Poll3 v1.0

the third poll for your web site ! .

Zogo Shop v1.2

Zogo v1.

Simple Pref Menu v1.0

Simple Menu For Store Hours, Meetings, more...

Sight FX v1.1

Create unique effects on your websites.

Auction v1.1

Going... going... gone

Pingback v1.0


GSC Voice Server Menu v1.0

GSC Voice Server Details.

Poll2 v1.0

this plugin is secend poll for web site.

Agenda v1.7

Helping to keep your life in order

Collabtive v0.4

Hi,. v1.1

Lytebox picture of the day

Ventrilo Details Menu v1.0

Ventrilo Voice Server Details.

tf2 sig gen v1.0

This is a plugin as a frontend for the tf2 sig generator at http://tf2.

e107wiki v0.2

e107wiki is a plugin that provides a wiki function integrated in the e107 content management system.

Simply Tagcloud menu v1.1

Simple tag cloud example .

Spoiler v1.0

make a button ander textareas to show spoiler .

lupe v1.0

Das lupe plugin erlaubt bilder anzuzeigen und diese mit klick dadrauf aufzuzoomen.

IpTrack v1.5

abuse the banlist

e107 tiny mce v3.0

Hier der tiny version 3.0 bitte mal testen Admin hatt alle icons user haben bbcode .

Lightwindow v1.0

Lightwindow is near lightbox but better he can show every files in a window .

PDE Navigation v1.0

navigation mit sublinks als dropdown menü.

Videobox V2 v2.0

Videobox for all files with lightwindow.

Filemanager v1.0

Filemanager for all files.

Random Avatar Menu v0.2

Displays random avatars in a menu

Department Directory v3.7

Departmental Directory

ProKarma v1.2

user and thread karma

Bulk Auto Assign User class v1.3

Bulk Auto Assign

Auto Promote to Userclass v1.1

Auto Promote Users to Userclass

cPanel X for E107 v1.0

This Plugin Links Your Hosts cPanel To Your Admin Area, Allowing you to Merge the Two Control Systems.

Site News Tree Menu v1.2

This plugin will show your news in tree mode

--- Add your changes here ---
Fixed : Tree Alignmen

Jinzora v2.7

Really nice plugin that works in e107 or as standalone.

Tarot The Gipsy v1.2

Self-knowledge is a virtue

FileEditor v2.1

An updated version of Fileeditor v2.

Teamspeak_menu v2.5

Teamspeak menu v2.

DBackup v1.1

Tool to back-up your MySQL Database

On This Day Menu v1.4

On This Day Menu

Birthday Menu v1.1

Birthday Menu

eCron v0.1

executes PHP/SQL commands in regular intervals

Newsletter Library v1.3

A plugin to provide a Newsletter Library for those that put them out on a monthly basis.

Browser search Engine v1.0

This Plugin will allow your site users to add a search engine on Firefox or ie7 to your e107 site.

fm Menu v1.0

This plugin will enable you to show a Last.

aNobii Menu v1.0

This plugin will enable you to show an aNobii.

Random Download Menu v1.0

This will select one random download to display on your main page.

IRDJ SHOUTcast v1.1

** V1.1 - with a fix to the install bug **.

Menalto Gallery2 Plugin v6.0

The Gallery2 plugin allows you to embed your Gallery2 installation inside of e107.

Tag [sms-hide] v1.0

Tag [sms-hide] — SMS payment to access hidden content.

Yahoo FAQ v3.0

Yahoo FAQ is a SEO tool that based upon keywords from search or catalog fetches information from yah

live Trackmania Nations stats v1.0

This plugin displays different stats like wins, losses, stars, rank etc from your selected trackmani

Election v0.5

Vote for me

Recent News Menu v1.0

This menu plugin simply lists the 5 most recent news items and links to them.

Dynamic Chatbox Post Scrolling v3.1

Dynamic Chatbox Posts Scrolling v3.1.5 Public Beta .

Advanced Raid Planner System v1.0

Raid Planner System for e107 (standalone) websites.

IP Display v1.0

An IP display for the user.

TeamSpeak Viewer v1.0

This addon creates a simple menu with a list of users who are currently connected on the TeamSpeak s

Firefox Menu v0.2

This little menu is used when you build your site for FireFox

When not using FireFox you will see

phpfreechat v1.6

Much improved phpFreeChat integration, based on eaonflux' v1.5

Skype Menu v1.2

Creates a skype page and a skype menu to display skype details of your site members.

Alternate Banlist v1.0

A new method to ban members, includes other useful features too.

Jokes Menu v2.9

Jokes Menu

FAQ Menu v4.3

Fully featured FAQ Plugin

ShowDBTable v1.1

This plugins enables you to display the result of a custom SQL query on your site.

Hamachi Menu v2.0

Hamachi Network. Connection and Status

e107 Online File Editor v3.0

e107fileeditor is newly modified version of my previous e107fileeditor plugin.I have tried my best to make it defect free and to make it useful for you.

2DMatrix v0.1

The increase in popularity of the 2d Data matrices and the wide spread of mobile phone imaging devices (majority of Nokia mobiles nowadays have barcode reader applications) that are capable of decoding these matrices inspired me to create this plugin.

Corllete Lab Feature Box v1.0

Advanced version of the core Feature Box plugin

4Images Integration v0.6


Member Web Menu v4.0

Creates a scrolling menu that displays your site member's websites.

News Category Links Menu v1.1

This is a very simple menu plugin that shows a list of all your news categories and links to them.

Chatbox v1.1

Chatbox With Edit Option.

Gallery2 Menalto v0.0

This plugin is a fork of Menalto Gallery2 Plugin with more options and a more sophisticated setup..

IRDJ Schedule v1.2

Schedule and Profile System for net radio sites.

Snowing Effect v1.0

Little javascript that adds snowing effect to website.

DJ Schedule v1.1

This plugin is for Internet Radio websites which use a DJ Schedule to show whats on.

clancodes v1.2

the right plugin for game-related websites

Cams Online Menu v1.4

--- Changelog --- v1.4.

IpTrack Menu v1.0

Track an Ip from banned list so you can send an abuse mail.

Clock Calendar v1.0

A small sample menu with a clock and a calendar..

Glossary v0.0

Glossary is a plugin that display a Glossary of term on your website.

Dynamic Chatbox Scrolling v3.1 v3.1

Dynamic Chatbox Posts Scrolling v3.1 Public Beta .

eHighSlide v0.5

ENG: Plug-in adds technology Highslide JS in e107, via which you can view diverse content in the pop-up window.

Skype Center v2.0

e107 website system - Skype Center v2.

Games & Chat JavuServer2 v2.0

Server-plugin multiplayer board games & chat.

User Style v1.2

Make your site more dynamic than ever!

steamScrape v0.1

Display Steam Community on your e107 website!

AutoApprove v0.3

This plugin automatically approves submitted news items and public uploads as if it had been done th

AddThis v1.1

Let your visitor share your site

count_down v0.7

This plugin allows to countdown to events.

Pac Man Game v1.0

Simple Plugin to display widgets on the e107 website.

phpGedView Integrated Login v0.1

phpGedView Integrated Login is a bridge plugin to automate user administration and logins between e1

Download Statistics v1.0

Weekly, Monthly and Most Wanted download statistics

Search v3.2

This plugin will enable you to show a Google Adsense Search bar on your site.

Horizontal v3.1

This plugin will enable you to show 'Goolge Adsense' Ads on your site.

Delete My Account v1.0

Delete my account

Social bookmarking for news items v1.0

This plugin adds the social bookmarking buttons after every news post.You can very easily add more buttons.

YahooEmotes v1.0

All the 87 Animated Yahoo emoticons for use in e107.

Clan War Menu v1.3


Top VSP Players v1.0

This Plugin Displays the Top VSP Stats Players on your Home Page.

Dynamic Logo v1.2

Dynamic Logo

BlackJack for Gold System v0.9

Fixed a bug that required you to use 'e107_' as the prefix to your e107 database.

Games Library v1.0

Games Library for e107.

Latest Release Downloads Menu v2.5

Latest Released Downloads

Roulette for Gold System v1.0

Roulette for your Gold System.

My Level Menu v1.1

My Warning Level Meter

NET/IP Filter v1.2

Network and IP address filter

InviteMe! v0.2

An simple invitation-plugin for e107.

Raid Planer v0.1

This plugin will allow you to set up raids with all users in your e107 system.

themechanger v0.1

This plugin includes a module that overrides the default theme choosing process.

ZenCart Bridge v0.1

e107 synchronization with ZenCart v1.3.7

BF2142 Tracker Menu v1.0

This plugin will display the current online/offline status of clan members.

Agreement v0.1

A simple form, to make users agree to an item.

Articulate v1.1

Articulate Article and Information filer

ZenCart User-Sync v0.1

User-Sync for e-Commerce system ZenCart v1.3.7

Find Users v1.0

With this simple plugin you can give your visitors the opportunity of searching user details via part of their username

File Editor v1.3

This is update to FileEditor plugin some bugs have been fixed..

ClickCounter v1.0

Simple hitcounter.

Yahoo Stocks Menu v1.0

This is Quotes of the day menu plugin.User can display any 4 different quotes everyday on his/her site.I haven't tested it with firefox but with Internet Explorer it works fine..

Quotes of the Day Menu v1.0

This is Quotes of the day menu plugin.User can display any 4 different quotes everyday on his/her site.I haven't tested it with firefox but with Internet Explorer it works fine..

LocalTraffic Menu v1.0

This is Local Traffic menu.With the help of this menu you can find out Local Traffic in your area from your site..

Daily Horoscope Menu v1.0

This is daily horoscope menu.You can select your timezone and adjust the clock according to that..

Dictionary Menu v1.0

This is display menu with this menu you can search any information on site from your e107 site.

IMDB Menu v1.0

This is display menu with this menu you can search any information on IMDB site from your e107 site.

Flash Analog Clock v1.0

This is Analog clock menu.This is flash Analog clock menu for gamers.Its for those who want flash clock on their site.

Analog Clock Menu v1.0

This is Analog clock menu.You can select your timezone and adjust the clock according to that.

Messenger Status v1.2

This update to MessengerStatus plugin.I have fixed some bugs.

Member Websites v1.0

A menu item that allows you to display member websites in a menu.

Contact Form v1.7

Keeping your visitors in touch

ForumFocus v1.1

Promotes well written forumposts on your site.

Webcam Gallery v1.8

Webcam gallery with ajax type refreshing of images

Owner Banner v1.0

My first little Plugin to show a link "my webbanner" and the banners, too.

RandomPic v0.2

v0.2 .

Autogallery nonASCII v2.6

original Autogallery 2.

Dynamic Chatbox Scrolling v 2.5 v2.5

Upload chatbox folder to your e107_plugins folder .

eq107 v0.8

Your EQDKP at a glance in e107.

Top Ten Uploads Menu v1.2

Top Ten Uploads

LED Scrolling Banner v1.3

LED Scrolling Banner

Dynamic Chatbox Scrolling v1.5

This plugin dynamically scrolls chatbox posts "up" using marquee.

Firefox Discoverer (modified) v1.2

Create By: firestarteR1 S.

On This Day v1.2

On this day menu for Quotes, news or info

US Military Casualties Counter v1.0

US Military Casualties

Iraq Civilian Deaths v1.0

Iraq Civilian Deaths

Cost of War v1.0


Bush's Last Day v1.0

Bush's Last Day

IPN PayPal Donate Menu v1.0

The IPN PayPal Donate Menu Plugin allows you to quickly and easily setup a PayPal donation button on

Deutsch) v1.0

This plugin allows the e107 CMS to support individual journals for registered/logged-in us

Random Quote Menu v1.0

This plugin will place a random quote into a menu.

net menu (dutch) v1.0

This is a free newsservice provided by Tweakers.

FilmTip Menu (dutch) v1.0

Filmtip is a free service provided by

McAfee Menu v1.0

This is a free service provided by McAfee including things like latest threats, removal tools, online virusscan and virussearch..

Leaague Table v1.2

Sports league Table

BabeOfTheDay FINAL with DynamicZOOM v1.0

This plugin fixes the problem with flash and javascript which was in previous version.

Open Proxy Monitoring v1.0

Live Open Proxy Monitor (Blocking), based on DNSBL-techniques.

WoWLinks v1.0

WoWLinks is a plugin that adds two new bbcodes that will create either an item link with a tooltip o

Bug Tracker v1.1

Bug Tracker

e_Version Update Checker v1.1

eversion plugin update checker

Clanbase Clan Monitor v7.0


Referral System v0.1

The first e107 Referral System! .

Add to Favorites Menu v1.0

Puts a menu on your site, from which a visitor can bookmark your site.

Youtube Movie Menu + BB Code v0.0

With this menu you can put your own YouTube movie on your site in a sidebar.

xCounter v1.0

Plugin to insert buttons and counters provided by other sites on your site.

e107 Helper for Developers v1.0

This plugin is aimed solely at e107 plugin developers who are using my e107 Helper Project plugin.

Rating the news (shortcode) v1.0

This shortcode allow to rate the news items .

Change Password v1.1

User Password changer

Bible Proverb of the Day v2.0

Bible Proverb of the Day

Bible Verse of the Day v2.0

Bible verse of the Day

MortgageCalculatorMenu v1.0

This is MortgageCalculator menu.

Server Status Menu v2.5

Server Status Menu

Class Membership v1.2

Class Membership

e_Classifieds v1.11

e_Classifieds buying and Selling

Gig Guide v1.7

Gig Guide

Image Of The Day v1.0

This is a very basic bit of code to allow you to display a single image for each day of the month.

Snow Menu v2.0

Falling Snow menu

Recipe Menu v2.1

Recipe Menu

Free Translate Menu v1.2

Freetranslate menu

Flying Bat Menu v1.1

Flying Bats Menu

Google Translate Menu v1.2

Google Translate Menu

Launch (Bistable) Menu v1.1

Launch (Bistable) Menu

Top links Menu v1.1

Top Links Menu

Last Visitors Menu v4.0

This menu item is to display the last x number visitors to your site..

Alexa Site Ranking v3.0

This menu uses the Alexa traffic rank button and allows you to place a button on .

Quick FTP v2.2

This is an update to the quick FTP for e107, it's a plugin and allows site owners to select what admins can have access to FTP via their e107 admin area..

Job Shack Recruitment v1.5

Job Shack Job Recruitment advertising enu

Roaming Eyes v1.0

Floating Eyes

Phone Directory v1.7

Phone Directory

Userclass Manager v1.1

Userclass Manager

User Tracker v1.2

User Tracker and Monitor

Floating Logo v1.0

Floating Logo

Counter Strike:Source Stats Reader v0.4

This plugin was created to display Counter Strike:Source Stats on your e107 site.

Go-Cart v0.2

I created this plugin for my site to display go-cart stats.

Category Link Menu v1.1

This menu is used to display a list of links that is not attached to e107 links.

E107Scores Menu v3.2

E107Scores is a menu that will display sports scores for multi sports.

Auto Assign v1.2

Auto assign new users to userclasses

FilleDownload Plugin v1.1

This is file download plugin.This plugin shows all the files in your download directory without any Admin approval.Upload the file and it will instantly showup in this plugin.

FilleUpload Plugin v1.1

Multiple Upload

WebFTP v1.2

This is WebFTP plugin.Its a FTP client via Web.User can use this client from anywhere in the world to connect to any FTP server.I have tested this version with PHP5.x and MySQL 5.x..

Theme Utilities v1.0

A little plugin that allows themes to have a preferences page so that the administrator can select (theme defined) options and settings.

ePlayer v1.9

The only thing missing is the popcorn

Batch Upload v1.0

A simple plugin that allows administrators to upload multiple files at once.

Bugtracker3 v1.0

stomp those bugs

CurrencyConvertor menu v1.0

This is currency convertor menu.

moon_menu v1.0

Displays the current moon phase in a small menu.

Google Maps v1.3

This plugin will allow you to post location points of your users on google maps based on the user cl

Quick News v1.0

Adds a Quick News menu for use on all pages.

Babe Of The Day Dynamic ZOOM v0.5

This plugin uses my previous code - I only changed the ZoomIn/Out javascript to Lightbox Zoom In Jav

Analog Clock (JS) v1.0

Analog Clock is a customizable javascript-based clock.

Twitter v0.2

Simple menu plugin to display your Twitter status.

AdSense for all pages v1.0

This code will put adsense under your banner on all your pages.

Krooze Hall Of Fame v1.0

This plugin is designed to integrate with krooze plugin.

Bikepics of the day v0.4

Simple pics of the day plugin
(removed missing file pic)
for bikers and .

com Menu v1.0

This is dictionary.

Date Time Menu Black v1.0

A flash Date/Time Menu for use on all pages.

Corporate Phone Directory v1.6

A comprehensive corporate phone directory.

Tutorial Archiver v1.1

Archives Tutorials.

Junxter Classifieds v0.1

Use this plugin to run Junxter Classifieds
on your website.

scrobbler v1.0

A e107 plugin that will list as many as your 10 most recently played tracks on last.

p2p Search v1.0

A Menu that you can search for ed2k links (emule links), and this menu come with a google search to.

Wikipedia Search Menu v1.0

A Menu that you can make a search direcly from Wikipedia Site (Portuguese).

Flash News Scroller v0.2

This is a little something I coded today.

Studio Live Radio v1.0

Kripton-Studio Live Radio

Lgsl menu v2.6

Live server list *lgsl menu for rtcw and other such games to intergrate into my website.

Link Request v0.1

"Link Request" v0.

Tournaments v1.2

This is a plug-in that can run a tournament on a flash game similar to those used in kroozearcade.

Beaver Guestbook v1.0

Guestbook is a free guestbook application for your website.

TextArea v1.5

it's quit simple this is a plugin similar with sitebuton plugin
only that this plugin shows yo

Sonic FM Best Radio v2.0

it's the update for sonic fm v 1.

Address Book v1.4

A great little plug-in that was started by Heathen, then updated by Renejm and Tomato.

String 2 Image v1.0

This plug-in is a simple converter.

Phone Book manager v1.0

This plugin help to manage customers' information (name, phone, company, email, address, nickna

Autogallery flv player v1.0

This is a new flv player for the Autogallery, it's easy to install just replace the "flvpl

MyBackup v0.8

This is plugin which allow you to make backup of your MySQL database.

Affiliation Manager v1.0

The mod allows you to add and delete affiliates and track their outgoing clicks, by default affiliat

Scrolling Fourm v7.1

Upgraded version of an old plugin I did a while ago.

Winnie the Pooh Daily Comic v1.0

This plug in is based on the daily dilbert.

The Pink Panther Daily Comic v1.0

This plug in is based on the daily dilbert.

User language2 Menu v1.1

This is an upgraded copy of the core menu called "user_language_menu".

Library management system v1.0

It is a big application to control large volumes of sharing documents in a real world environment.

Google Translate v1.2

This plugin is a combination of the other Google translation plugin, except that they include transl

CSS online editor v1.1

Stop updating your css file, saving it, uploading it, ctrl-f5 to see the changes, with this little t

BBClone v0.4

BBClone is a web counter which gives webmasters a detailed view of their visitors by displaying the

PayPal Donate Menu v1.3

The PayPal Donate Menu Plugin allows you to quickly and easily setup a PayPal donation button on you

Flash MP3 v1.8

Description:A plugin that will load a flash based mp3 player that plays xspf playlists.

Easy Members Search v1.0

This plugin provide a member search abillity by various criterions.

Excel Reader v2.2

Ideal module for who makes use of Sheets Excel and wishes to integrate them in the just situated one

Tooltip Words v1.0

This plugin allows you to create a list of words with tooltip so when you use the words sitewide, th

Live Tv menu v2.0

This is plugin for e107 update for version 1.

Funny Games v1.1

Fungames module (250) - External LiveContent for more topicality.

BookingRoom v1.1

MRBS is a free, GPL, web application using PHP and MySQL/pgsql for booking meeting rooms.

Download Gallery v1.7

Download Gallery originally made for e107styles for easy browsing of themes, it has since been impro

Sonic FM live radio v1.0

A new radio station with all genre of music it's a simple plugin that allows you to listen this

rs107 Wow Raid Signup v0.2

rs107 is a plugin for e107 to assist World of Warcraft guilds with there raids.

Forumpost Watcher v0.1

Version 1 of my forum posts watcher plugin.

RSS zFeeder v0.1

This plugin uses zFeeder script (http://zvonnews.

Link To Us Textarea v1.0

Similar to the Site Button menu, only that this plugin has a link to that banner.

XFire Statistics v1.0

This allows you to view users XFire statistics on a single page per user; rather than in a large lis

Table of Content v2.0

This script lists content pages by alphabetical order with buttons for each first letter of the titl

Google MySite Search v2.0

This plugin will add google site search menu and display the result within the website.

MP3 Player v1.0

I've seen some MP3 players out there, but I have been using a different one on an ASP site.

com AJAX Chat v1.0


VSFTPD Log Viewer v1.0

This is a log viewer for the VSFTPD ( Very Secure File Transfer Protocal Deamon ).

DansGuardian Log Viewer v1.0

This is a log viewer for the DansGuardian Content filtering system.

File Fingerprint Maker v1.0

This is a plugin i have had sitting around for a while
called File Fingerprint Maker, its a plugin

Secure Cookie Creator v1.1

The Secure Cookie Creator : Secures directories using .

fileNice v1.0

This is a plugin based on fileNice (http://www.

Content Index v0.8

This is a neat menu/page to display links to all your content.

IP2Phrase v1.0

Show to your visitor about their connection information (IP ADDRESS, ISP Information, City, Country

MeeboMe Menu v1.0

MeeboMe is a menu that allows you to enable the MeeboMe widget (http://www.

Random Quotes v1.0

Allows you to create a list of quotes and display them at random on your pages using a new shortcode

TNG Integrated Login v1.2

This plugin provides integrated login between e107 v0.

Free Translator v1.1

This plugin adds two menus and a shortcode for allowing pages to be translated on your web site.

Bats Menu v1.1

This is a fun little plugin to display flying bats, witches (or Cupid) on your site.

Analogclock for gamers(Advanced) v1.1

This is just not a bug fix but an advanced version of my earlier plugin.

Curs Valutar v1.0

This one is an exchange rates displayer plugin for some of the most important currencies in the worl

Meteo v1.0

This is a weather plugin with 6 of the most important cities in Romania.

Sudoku v0.1

This is a very simple and plain plug-in for a sudoku game.

Hitcounter v0.7

This plugin allow you to use counters provided by other site.

Gamez Collection v1.0

This is a games collection that includes very well with any e107 theme.

Joke Menu v2.0

A comprehensive jokes menu and database.

GTranslate v1.1

This plugin assists your users to submit your site URL for translation to to a well known site for t

AAO Tracker XML Menu v1.0

This plugin adds an XML feed onto your homepage detailing all clan members and their current Honor L

Americas Army Server Menu v2.0

This menu plugin will allow America's Army Clans running e107 to have a menu block on their hom

Internet Radio v4.1

Plugin for E107 compatible with 0.

Daily Cartoons v0.2

Based on Daily Dilbert Plus, and giving credit where it's due, I've created a plugin that

Link to us v2.0

This one is Version 2 of a Link to Us menu.