e107 in
21 Aug 2002 : 10:51AM
Here\'s beta2, and here\'s a list of what\'s fixed ...
Here\'s beta2, and here\'s a list of what\'s fixed ...
- Admin login, altered cookie code, also made more secure
- Menus now work fine, the menu addons I posted yesterday can now be used
- About 20 little bits and pieces, mainly to do with W3C compliance
Brian C mentioned (and I noticed a few people on the forum) have complained that the upgrade script doesn\'t work properly, yet installing fresh works fine. I\'ve been through the upgrade script and tested it on both my Windows and Linux servers (by installing v3.1 and upgrading) and it worked fine in both instances, so if any of you who have had problems could give me a more specific outline of exactly what\'s not happening I\'d be much obliged.
Download v4beta2 here.
- Fixed wrong author name on comments and news posts