Mail handling
Mail handling is another area that's had a complete revamp in 0.8.
Mail handling is another area that's had a complete revamp in 0.8.
At the email account level, there are now options which should make it easy to use gmail and similar providers who require TLS/SSL for SMTP mail sending.
And there are logging options so that you can see what's being sent, and also do 'dummy runs' where the emails aren't sent, but are logged.
The bulk mailing has received the majority of the attention.
Firstly, the actual email creation has a few more options, including one to send plain text emails, and one to determine whether, on HTML emails, any embedded images are sent with the email, or specified as links (security settings in email clients such as Thunderbird can mean that anything more than a plain text email is a waste of bandwidth).
Secondly, the management of bulk emails has been greatly improved. You can save an email as a template, along with the selection criteria, and give it a meaningful title different to the email subject.
Email queue
Deferred send
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