New version released - 0.7.12

CaMer0n by CaMer0n in e107

The newest build of e107 has finally been released.

The newest build of e107 has finally been released. No it's not a 0.8 release, but another in the 0.7.x tree.

This version builds upon the proven stability of the 0.7 tree by adding a slew of bugfixes.
Yes, there are a few security updates, so you will want to upgrade as soon as possible!

For those of you with critical production systems, please wait a few days for any problems that are reported with the new version, you never know what I may have messed up in creating the builds smile

You can get the new version here:

The changelog can be found here:

I know many people are wondering where 0.8 is. Well, I'm wondering the same thing. Many of us devs have run into real life issues and has slowed down the developments, but I assure you it has not stopped.


This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source