Hack/Plugin Upgrades and additions at e107community

by e107 in e107

I have been working for the last week or two updating existing and creating new hacks/plugins for use with version .617 Though there are only 10 available at this time, more will follow.

I have been working for the last week or two updating existing and creating new hacks/plugins for use with version .617 Though there are only 10 available at this time, more will follow. They are all available in the downloads area of http://www.e107community.us

These hacks/plugins have been updated for e107 version .617

Alternate admin 1.0
Disable forgot password
Members only downloads 2.0
Disable downloads 1.0
Tree menu 1.3

The following hacks are new and are compatible with e107 version .617

Disable moderation of main site admins forum posts
Disable forum post editing
Edit members forum post counts
Forum lock 1.0
Members delete their own forum posts

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source