Submit all your ideas!

CaMer0n by CaMer0n in e107

The next release of e107, version 0.617 (yes, coming to a website soon) will be the last release for a while.

The next release of e107, version 0.617 (yes, coming to a website soon) will be the last release for a while. We may release a critical bug fix to the current codebase, but only if it's absolutely required.

We have some big plans for the next release, so much so that it'll be released as 0.700! Textparsing, extended user fields, true multilanguage, more templating, and sql optimization. These are a few of the targeted areas.

We will work as hard as we can to maintain backwards compatibility will all existing plugins and making the upgrade as painless as possible. We really have not even begun to code it yet, so these are just idea right now.

What we want from the e107 is IDEAS. What would you like seen done to improve e107 to make it more usefull and friedly for you? So that we can gather your ideas in a central area, I have hacked up the bugtracker a bit and created an 'ideas' plugin. You will see a link to the left in the 'miscellaneous' section. Please add any ideas you have there and add any comments to existing ideas. Once we get into coding for 0.700 we will sift through them all.

Thanks for your continued help.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source