New Article: Adding Comments to your Plugin.
I just wrote an article about adding comments to your plugin.
I just wrote an article about adding comments to your plugin. It applies to the changes in the comment system in the upcoming release. If you have a plugin that uses the e107 comments system, this article will help you get it ready for .616. If you plan on adding comments to your plugin, this article will show you how easy it is. Check it out here
Adding Comments to your Plugin.
One other update for plugin writers, There's been a change to form_handler.php that may affect your plugin. If you use the form_handler class in your plugin you'll need to update it to work with .616. Basically we changed the < form name='dataform' > part to < form id='dataform' > to make it XHTML compliant. Now anywhere in your code that reference document.dataform will have to be changed to document.getElementById('dataform').
Sorry about the changes plugin writers, but we're letting you know a week ahead of time so you can get them ready. If you're a plugin author and would like a beta of the new release so you can test these changes, email me at chavo at