USer database linking

by admin in e107

I have Finished a Hack so that those of you using .615a and have multiple sites using e107 can link the user databases together!

I have Finished a Hack so that those of you using .615a and have multiple sites using e107 can link the user databases together!!! you can see this in action at my site (I am running 3 diffrent e107 sites and soon it will be 6...) What all do you have to do to get this to work??? edit the modified e107_config.php file to your setting also included with this i have edited the extended online menu and regular online menu to work. there is also a file called "e107_config sample.php" THIS IS NOT NEEDED this is simply there so you can see a sample of how to set it up.... Hope you like it!! let me know of bugs! Download it here. Submitted by jeremy2

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source