Please stop double or triple forum posting!

by admin in e107

It seems more people are posting the very same questions here and also at, presumably motivated by the need to get attention.

It seems more people are posting the very same questions here and also at, presumably motivated by the need to get attention. I have news for you. Most people who want to help, participate in this forum and at, plus other forums like e107community, etc.

There really is no need to post your question more than once. This is very inefficient because we need to follow one thread and one thread only. This is because the history of the discussion is relevant to helping you solve your problem, and save others' time, i.e. no need to repeat what's already said. On top of that, it's very annoying to see double posting! I think most would agree that bumping your post, if it's not answered, would be fine ... as long as you keep it to one thread.

Please keep this in mind:
(a) For core e107 issues and questions, post them here.
(b) For issues and questions related to plugins, post at

Believe me, I've been around e107 websites. You'll be helping yourself and others who want to help you!
[Submitted by bkwon]

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source