Here's revision 5 ...
Here's revision 5 : Bugtrack ID 234 : bbcode tags stripped from news category pageAs usual this revision contains all previous .602 revision so don't worry if you've missed one.
class2.php : Bugtrack ID 238 : more secure critical error now raised if mysql isn't running or database cant be connected to
e107_handlers/mysql_class.php : upgrade : updated to reflect above changes
e107_handlers/message_handler.php : upgrade : updated to reflect above changes
e107_handlers/upload_handler.php : Bugtrack ID 239 : non-case sensitive search of allowed filetypes
class2.php : Bugtrack ID 240 : sorry about this, previous upgrade messed up the edit post text
forum_post.php : Bugtrack ID 242 : now unable to affect locked threads - this was fixed a long time ago, I have no idea how it crept back in ...
e107_handlers/upload_handler.php : upgrade : integrated some path parsing code sent in by chavo
forum_post.php : Bugtrack ID 252 : fixed html tags in forum attachments
usersettings.php : Bugtrack ID 250 : removed admin ability to upload avatar/photo to another user's profile
e107_admin/prefs.php : Bugtrack ID 249 : new pref added, timezone
forum.php : upgrade : now reflects new timezone pref instead of GMT (+/- time offset)
e107_admin/banlist.php : Bugtrack ID 258 : ban ip now carried over to ban page
download.php : Bugtrack ID 257 : fixed bad tags