
by admin in Blog

The e107 Theme Tutorial is now online, take a look at it here.

The e107 Theme Tutorial is now online, take a look at it here.

I've had maybe fifteen or twenty site URL's sent to me that are using e107, some of the best I've seen are Graphic Language, Maestr0's site and the excellent junktion - Vill has done a monumental job on this site, looks really good.

Just one more thing. To the person who has been posting on various chatboxes, and has emailed me under a different name - no, I'm not trying to take over the world. No, I have no desire for every site to look exactly the same, that's why I spent so long developing a decent theme system for e107. And no, I haven't coded a backdoor that allows me access to any e107 site. Take a look at the code. And thanks for depressing me again.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source