Bug Revision #1
admin in
30 Jul 2003 : 01:07AM
Thanks for reporting bugs everyone, there were a lot less than we expected, even though we were testing for a few weeks before release it's only when the files go public that we get a good idea of how stable it is.
Thanks for reporting bugs everyone, there were a lot less than we expected, even though we were testing for a few weeks before release it's only when the files go public that we get a good idea of how stable it is.
I'll be releasing bugfixes in this standard from now on, they'll have a revision number so you know when the file has been updated.
As usual the bug fixes are already part of the core install so if you are installing fresh t here is no need to apply the bugfixes/Revision #1 List:
Bugtracker ID5: Links in new forum posts menu and comments menu fixed, wordwrap more reliable.
Bugtracker ID11: Menus from uninstalled plugins are not auto-installed on menus page.
Bugtracker ID12: Tracked threads are listed properly in the forum.
Bugtracker ID14: Userlanguage menu updated, class2.php updated to reflect changes.
Not reported: Link to moderate comments now shown on poll and article comments, modcomment.php updated to reflect changes.
Reported in forum: users can now be deleted from admin/users page.
Download from the box on the right, to install just upload the files, overwriting the originals.