alphaLS .rc Editor v1.0

by admin in e107

Woohoo, it reached v1!

Woohoo, it reached v1! Here's the new stuff ...
* Fixed: you can finally choose any directory to install alphaedit smile
* Fixed: some problems with Litestep.exe path
* Fixed: The Command Line Bar execute the command on "Return"
* Added: A kind of "auto-complete" feature (I like it, but let me know what you think...)
1. If you hit the "!" key, a list of bangs command will popup near the cursor
2. If you hit the "$" key, a list of e-vars will popup near the cursor
3. If you hit the "*" (in KeyPad), a list of commands starting with *
4. If you hit the "Ctrl" key, a window with a list of other keywords

then, the list will scroll according to the letters you type. Once it reaches
the word that you are looking for, you can hit "return" or double-click on it
to paste it on the document, or you can hit "Esc" to close the list.

The four lists are:
1. bangs.alc
2. evars.alc
3. comm.alc
4. auto.alc

You can all of these files to match your needs...

* Added: open of "Include files":
how this works:
as for now, with some limitations:( (highlight) a PATH to a file (without the "Include" statement):
i.e. c:\litestep\common\popup.rc
2. with "F12" key, the file will be opened in another tab of the editor,
(If the rc files are associated with it)
3. If the PATH to a file contains litestep e-vars, F12 will work only If
the e-vars are actually loaded in memory by Litestep.exe
As usual you can get it from

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source