Event Calender

by admin in

I've got the basic code together today for the event calender that is about the most requested thing in my inbox these days, you can check out how it's looking by clicking on any of the dates in the calender in the rightmenu.

I've got the basic code together today for the event calender that is about the most requested thing in my inbox these days, you can check out how it's looking by clicking on any of the dates in the calender in the rightmenu. It only allows registered users to post events, the events are editable and deleteable by the original poster and level 0/1 admins. Let me know what you think - bear in mind this isn't the finished plugin, I still need to add some stuff to it. Update There is now a graphical representation of the current day and an evented day. I've also added some stuff like all-day time, and recurring events for birthdays etc.

This news item is from e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source