Beta6 is ready and waiting for your downloading pleasure, lots of changes and fixes in this version ...
Beta6 is ready and waiting for your downloading pleasure, lots of changes and fixes in this version ...shortcut - If a normal content page is deleted it now also deletes the corrosponding link (suggested by Locke) - Made the td declaration default to text-align left in all theme's style.css (default in Mozilla is center - grrr) - Tidied up search.php, it's now fully usable, many thanks to Bill Nalens (nalenb) for the original code - Repaired some small bugs to oldpolls.php (thanks to MorbidDK for pointing this out) - Fixed small bug in forum.php, some replies weren't being ordered correctly - Online box now lists online users correctly - Kept a CHANGES.txt (woohoo!)Let me know how you get on with it. Get it from that box over there on the right, or the e107 page. This version has an upgrade.php that you'll need to run after uploading all the files - remember not to overwrite your config.php though.